The National Health Service provides most health care to most people free of charge, but there are exceptions.
At the moment due to the unprecedented pressures on GP services non-compulsory, non-NHS work, not falling under collaborative arrangements will be declined as shown below:
- Private Sick Notes - employers should accept the statutory self-certification to cover the first seven days of absence and not waste GP appointments for this purpose.
- Occupational Health Vaccinations (most commonly Hepatitis B), Medicals and Reports - this is the responsibility of your employer.
- Passport applications or similar forms which can be done by a range of non-medical professionals.
- Insurance Medical Examinations - that can be carried out by an independent clinician.
- Blanket certification for school absence for minor illness that do not require a GP appointment. In most cases this is a parental responsibility (specific circumstances may apply i.e. when there may be a safeguarding issue)
- Blanket requests to certify fitness to exercise, whether for local authority or private gymnasia or for any other activity including travel. (Requests for a medical opinion on fitness are invariably inappropriate as GP's are not in a position to provide one - a simple statement of fact related to medical condition would be appropriate if the practice is happy to provide this service)